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Welcome to Aura Be...

My name is Keisha Hutchinson, CEO at Aura Be... A few years ago, my health took a turn for the worse.  Monthly hemorrhaging for 10+ days, anemia, vitamin D deficiency, hair loss, extreme fatigue were just a few of the adverse symptoms I endured.  Doctors advised surgery, a full hysterectomy but based on my family's history, I decided to opt out of surgery.  Instead, I started to educate myself on women's reproductive health, fibroids, the effect of good nutrition, self care, meditation, acupuncture, sound healing, yoni steaming and a host of other holistic methodologies.  The result?  I'm healthier and happier than I've been in a long time.  During my journey and healing process, I felt alone and isolated; like I was the only one in the world dealing with these health conditions, only to find out there are so many women, especially African American women suffering the same way I had, feeling alone and desperate for answers, seeking help but hitting a wall.  To those women, I say, you are not alone.  There is assistance out there.  I am not a doctor but can share my story and resources that helped me.  It's why I created Aura Be..., dedicated to helping women achieve their higher selves and highest vibrations through detox, nourishing foods, positive affirmation and self love practices.  May the products, services and information on this site bless you on your journey.  May Your Aura Be… HEALED.   May your Aura Be... LOVED, May your Aura Be… INSPIRED


Love Always,



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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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